Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Second Language Writing (Cambridge Language Education)
Second Language Writing (Cambridge Language Education)
Cambridge University Press | October 27, 2003 | Pages: 318 | PDF | 3MB
Second Language Writing is a highly accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English as a Foreign/Second Language. While assuming no specialist knowledge, the book systematically sets out the key issues in second language writing instruction to offer both pre- and in-service teachers a guide to L2 writing instruction grounded in current theory and research. The book includes chapters on approaches to writing teaching, needs analysis, syllabus design, lesson planning, task design, materials development, and feedback and assessment as well on using technology in writing classes and conducting research into writing.
The book takes the clear stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experience according to the demands and constraints of particular target contexts. There are review exercises, reflection questions, and copious examples to make the book extremely useful to prospective and practicing teachers alike. This book is an accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English. It sets out the key issues in second language writing instruction to offer both pre-service and in-service teachers a guide to writing instruction grounded in current theory and research. The author takes the stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experience according to the demands and constraints of particular target contexts. This book will be extremely useful to prospective and practicing teachers alike
Cambridge University Press | October 27, 2003 | Pages: 318 | PDF | 3MB
Second Language Writing is a highly accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English as a Foreign/Second Language. While assuming no specialist knowledge, the book systematically sets out the key issues in second language writing instruction to offer both pre- and in-service teachers a guide to L2 writing instruction grounded in current theory and research. The book includes chapters on approaches to writing teaching, needs analysis, syllabus design, lesson planning, task design, materials development, and feedback and assessment as well on using technology in writing classes and conducting research into writing.
The book takes the clear stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experience according to the demands and constraints of particular target contexts. There are review exercises, reflection questions, and copious examples to make the book extremely useful to prospective and practicing teachers alike. This book is an accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English. It sets out the key issues in second language writing instruction to offer both pre-service and in-service teachers a guide to writing instruction grounded in current theory and research. The author takes the stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experience according to the demands and constraints of particular target contexts. This book will be extremely useful to prospective and practicing teachers alike
English Ebooks
41.25798477178029, -90.703125
Bridging and Relevance Writen By Tomoko Matsui English
"Bridging and Relevance" by Tomoko Matsui
John Benjamins Publishing Co | 258 pages | English | 2000 | ISBN: 9027250928 | PDF | 11,6 MB
While it has long been taken for granted that context or background information plays a crucial role in reference assignment, there have been very few serious attempts to investigate exactly how they are used. This study provides an answer to the question through an extensive analysis of cases of bridging. The book demonstrates that when encountering a referring expression, the hearer is able to choose a set of contextual assumptions intended by the speaker in a principled way, out of all the assumptions possibly available to him. It claims more specifically that the use of context, as well as the assignment of referent, is governed by a single pragmatic principle, namely, the principle of relevance (Sperber & Wilson 1986/1995), which is also a single principle governing overall utterance interpretation. The explanatory power of the criterion based on the principle of relevance is tested against the two major, current alternatives — truth-based criteria and coherence-based criteria — using data elicited in a battery of referent assignment questionnaires. The results show clearly that the relevance-based criterion has more predictive power to handle a wider range of examples than any other existing criterion. As such, this work adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the insights of relevance theory.
John Benjamins Publishing Co | 258 pages | English | 2000 | ISBN: 9027250928 | PDF | 11,6 MB
While it has long been taken for granted that context or background information plays a crucial role in reference assignment, there have been very few serious attempts to investigate exactly how they are used. This study provides an answer to the question through an extensive analysis of cases of bridging. The book demonstrates that when encountering a referring expression, the hearer is able to choose a set of contextual assumptions intended by the speaker in a principled way, out of all the assumptions possibly available to him. It claims more specifically that the use of context, as well as the assignment of referent, is governed by a single pragmatic principle, namely, the principle of relevance (Sperber & Wilson 1986/1995), which is also a single principle governing overall utterance interpretation. The explanatory power of the criterion based on the principle of relevance is tested against the two major, current alternatives — truth-based criteria and coherence-based criteria — using data elicited in a battery of referent assignment questionnaires. The results show clearly that the relevance-based criterion has more predictive power to handle a wider range of examples than any other existing criterion. As such, this work adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the insights of relevance theory.
English Ebooks
36.89367658839987, -82.96875
Essentials of Orthopedic Surgery, Fourth Edition, 2010 English

This concise third edition offers hands-on guidance for identifying and treating the most commonly seen orthopedic problems in children and adults. Convenient both as a study source for medical students, its many photographs and illustrations will also serve as a useful clinical reference for young surgeons, residents, nurses, and physician assistants.
Each of the many topics is covered in depth and is designed to educate medical students and steer them towards formulating excellent diagnoses and treatment plans. As a further aid, multiple-choice questions are included at the end of each chapter. The questions are very similar to those that students will see on their boards. A section devoted to case studies further illustrates common orthopaedic problems and their treatment. Recommended reading lists complete the chapters and provide direction for readers interested in delving deeper into particular topics. All of the contributors are experts in their respective subspecialties, making the book a dependable source for timely, clinically relevant information
English Ebooks
31.967072253972503, -93.515625
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book Second Eadition English
Visible Ink Press | 2010 | 336 pages | PDF | 12MB
Featuring more than 600 questions about dinosaurs—such as What dinosaurs are thought to have evolved into birds? Did dinosaurs travel in herds? and Where and what is the Dinosaur Freeway?—this fun-filled fact-book provides a wealth of information on the lives and habits of these astonishing creatures.
From the Tyrannosaurus rex to the Stegosaurus, the guide profiles numerous species, chronicling their time on earth and exploring their roles in archaeological expeditions and museums today. Delightful and intriguing, this comprehensive record includes the debates still surrounding the origins and fate of these creatures that dominated the earth for millions of years but seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye
From the Tyrannosaurus rex to the Stegosaurus, the guide profiles numerous species, chronicling their time on earth and exploring their roles in archaeological expeditions and museums today. Delightful and intriguing, this comprehensive record includes the debates still surrounding the origins and fate of these creatures that dominated the earth for millions of years but seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye
English Ebooks
44.60298473330619, -89.296875
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Gruha Shoba August 2010 Monthly Eadition Telugu Magazine
Gruha Shoba,
46.32872061008252, -98.7890625
Friday, September 24, 2010
Your Successfull Real Estate Career 5th Eadition Writen By Kenneth W.Edwards English
Your Successfull Real Estate Career 452 pages | Dec 12, 2007 | PDF | 8 Mb
One of the best-selling real estate career books of all time is back and better than ever! Your Successful Real Estate Career has long been the bible for countless aspiring real estate professionals. The book takes readers through the many opportunities and challenges they're likely to face, so they know what to expect and how best to succeed. Now updated and expanded, the fifth edition of this indispensable resource offers all-new research and up-to-the-minute information and guidance on the constantly shifting marketplace
One of the best-selling real estate career books of all time is back and better than ever! Your Successful Real Estate Career has long been the bible for countless aspiring real estate professionals. The book takes readers through the many opportunities and challenges they're likely to face, so they know what to expect and how best to succeed. Now updated and expanded, the fifth edition of this indispensable resource offers all-new research and up-to-the-minute information and guidance on the constantly shifting marketplace
English Ebooks
42.82441244651115, -109.6875
Frommer's Italy 2006 English

Completely updated every year Frommer's Italy features a completely redesigned section of gorgeous color photos and maps of the most of the ancient and modern cities, classical architecture and ruins, vineyards, villages, and gorgeous countryside vistas that await you. Much more detailed and comprehensive than the major competition, this is simply the most reliable and in-depth guide you can buy
It's personally researched and full of candid opinions. Our authors have chosen the very best places to stay, from the grand hotels of Rome and the chic resorts of Capri to charming and affordable inns and small hotels in regions like Tuscany and the Lake District. And of course, we'll make sure that you dine memorably throughout Italy, whether you're splurging on a world-class restaurant in Florence or looking for a little-known trattoria that serves all the classics. Wherever you go, you'll rely on Frommer's for authoritative but fun-to-use coverage of all the historic, artistic, and cultural treasures. You'll get a complete shopper's guide, the latest trip-planning advice on everything from bargain airfares to rail passes, and a complete shopper's guide. Frommer's Italy even features a color fold-out map!
English Ebooks
55.18890134692606, -107.578125
Frommer's Canada English

People are going to Canada in droves. Theyre discovering an array of sophisicated cities, including Vancouver, the hottest destination in North America, plus world-class eco-tourism and adventures: rafting, hiking, biking, skiing, diving, camping, scenic drives, and more. Frommers covers it all from coast to coast, from superb French bistros and the renowned annual jazz festival in Montreal to majestic scenery in the Canadian Rockies and some of the worlds best wildlife viewing.
The 11th edition of this popular guide is packed with all the details travelers need: dozens of two-color maps; exact prices for everything weve covered; the best adventure outfitters, romantic inns, and family-friendly resorts; superb restaurants in all price ranges; and an opinionated Best of Canada chapter that makes it easy to compare the Guides top picks at a glance.
English Ebooks
53.96642478294596, -119.8828125
Frommer's Iceland

Frommer's Iceland Publisher: Frommers 2008 | 384 Pages | PDF | 11 MB
Experience Iceland’s amazing diversity and many attractions the way the locals do with America’s #1 bestselling travel series. Frommer’s Iceland is a complete guide to everything Iceland has to offer, from cosmopolitan city Reykjavik to outdoor activities like taking a dip in natural thermal pools. No matter what your age, desired activity level, or interests, this guide will show you exactly how you can enjoy Iceland. Utilize the outspoken opinions, exact prices, suggested itineraries, detailed map, off-the-beaten-path experiences, undiscovered gems and an easy-to-read two-color design for a customized adventure.
English Ebooks
52.49348138198481, -113.5546875
Internet Security Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols English

426 Pages |Author: Man Young Rhee |Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | PDF | 8 Mb
Book Description Knowledge of number theory and abstract algebra are pre-requisites for any engineer designing a secure internet-based system. However, most of the books currently available on the subject are aimed at practitioners who just want to know how the various tools available on the market work and what level of security they impart. These books traditionally deal with the science and mathematics only in so far as they are necessary to understand how the tools work. Internet Security differs by its assertion that cryptography is the single most important technology for securing the Internet. To quote one reviewer "if every one of your communication partners were using a secure system based on encryption, viruses, worms and hackers would have a very hard time". This scenario does not reflect the reality of the Internet world as it currently stands. However, with security issues becoming more and more important internationally, engineers of the future will be required to design tougher, safer systems. Internet Security: * Offers an in-depth introduction to the relevant cryptographic principles, algorithms protocols - the nuts and bolts of creating a secure network * Links cryptographic principles to the technologies in use on the Internet, eg. PGP, S/MIME, IPsec, SSL TLS, Firewalls and SET (protecting credit card transactions) * Provides state-of-the-art analysis of the latest IETF standards plus summaries and explanations of RFC documents * Authored by a recognised expert in security Internet Security is the definitive text for graduate students on security and cryptography courses, and researchers in security and cryptography areas. It will prove to be invaluable to professionals engaged in the long-term development of secure systems
English Ebooks
45.10144146863994, -98.4375
John Milton Poem's (English)
Classic Poetry Series | English | 2004 | 916 pages | File type: PDF | 8 mb
Son of a music composer, Milton began writing poetry at university (he was educated in St Paul's School and Chist's College in Cambridge), where he gained a nickname of "the Lady of Christ's" which attributed to "a certain niceness of nature". Later Milton sought to instrict his audience in a style considered "Miltonic". His central moral belief is in individual responsibility: only when one is allowes choise can one become a moral being.
Milton is a poet of the ear, with a powerful music in his verse. His tremendous learning may complicate his poetry for the modern reader, but there are depths in his lines for those who truly probe them.
Son of a music composer, Milton began writing poetry at university (he was educated in St Paul's School and Chist's College in Cambridge), where he gained a nickname of "the Lady of Christ's" which attributed to "a certain niceness of nature". Later Milton sought to instrict his audience in a style considered "Miltonic". His central moral belief is in individual responsibility: only when one is allowes choise can one become a moral being.
Milton is a poet of the ear, with a powerful music in his verse. His tremendous learning may complicate his poetry for the modern reader, but there are depths in his lines for those who truly probe them.
English Ebooks,
John Milton Poem's
47.765911770216675, -81.5625
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Sunday indian 19th September 2010 Weekly Eadition Telugu Magazine
The Sunday Indian,
44.35213672304393, -115.6640625
Navya 25th August 2010 Weekly Eadition Telugu Magazine
35.47498281027573, -116.71875
Navya 18th August 2010 Weekly Edition Telugu Magazine
37.73249036417422, -81.9140625
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Handbook of Power Systems II (Energy Systems)
Handbook of Power Systems II (Energy Systems)
Publisher: Springer | 2010 | PDF | 500 pages | 9.4 MB
Energy is one of the world`s most challenging problems, and power systems are an important aspect of energy related issues. This handbook contains state-of-the-art contributions on power systems modeling and optimization. The book is separated into two volumes with six sections, which cover the most important areas of energy systems. The first volume covers the topics operations planning and expansion planning while the second volume focuses on transmission and distribution modeling, forecasting in energy, energy auctions and markets, as well as risk management. The contributions are authored by recognized specialists in their fields and consist in either state-of-the-art reviews or examinations of state-of-the-art developments. The articles are not purely theoretical, but instead also discuss specific applications in power systems.
Publisher: Springer | 2010 | PDF | 500 pages | 9.4 MB
Energy is one of the world`s most challenging problems, and power systems are an important aspect of energy related issues. This handbook contains state-of-the-art contributions on power systems modeling and optimization. The book is separated into two volumes with six sections, which cover the most important areas of energy systems. The first volume covers the topics operations planning and expansion planning while the second volume focuses on transmission and distribution modeling, forecasting in energy, energy auctions and markets, as well as risk management. The contributions are authored by recognized specialists in their fields and consist in either state-of-the-art reviews or examinations of state-of-the-art developments. The articles are not purely theoretical, but instead also discuss specific applications in power systems.
Handbook of RF and Wireless Technologies English
Expert contributors drawn from the ranks of academia and industry have authored chapters in such areas as third-generation wireless, wireless sensor networks, RF power amplifiers, spread spectrum modulation, signal propagation, antennas, and other key subjects that engineers working in RF and wireless need to be familiar with.
Metallic Pigments in Polymers English
200 pages | Dec 12, 2007 | PDF | 8 Mb
There has been an upsurge of interest recently in the use of metallic pigments. Metallic pigments are found in many objects that we use everyday from household items and sports goods to the coatings on scratch cards. Colour is one of the key factors that influences a customer buying a retail product. In the ‘fashion markets’, visual appearance is particularly important and tends to come well ahead of functionality. It is in these markets that metal pigments come into their own.
There has been an upsurge of interest recently in the use of metallic pigments. Metallic pigments are found in many objects that we use everyday from household items and sports goods to the coatings on scratch cards. Colour is one of the key factors that influences a customer buying a retail product. In the ‘fashion markets’, visual appearance is particularly important and tends to come well ahead of functionality. It is in these markets that metal pigments come into their own.
English Ebooks,
Science Books
52.707010206152525, -91.7578125
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